mr gé's CDs, videos and more: since my first guitar 25 years ago and multiple influences I never stopped playing music. I write and record my songs in my home studio, the crazydrivers of the nowhere road being my imaginary bigband where I play all the instruments.

some of the 5 originals i played for exhibition november the 17th

last CDs

live, clips & enregistrements

"It’s dark indie folk with French lyrics, intense vocals, complex structures and cinematic soundscapes"
"au vu du nom on s'attendrait à un big band punk-manouche" (...) est-ce-que ça vaut le coup? la réponse est oui, c'est un disque originale et théatral qui nécessite un moment pour s'y plonger (...) çà dépote et ça grince pour vous énivrer progressivement"